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Feminine Tattoos

With so many women now deciding to have tattoos, it’s little wonder that the need arises for a series of feminine tattoos. That doesn’t mean that all women are going to be happy with the small, dainty, and feminine tattoos, but for those who prefer those styles, a tattooist must have them available. One of the reasons a woman may choose something more feminine is the need to cover it during her working hours. Many employers, especially those who have a great deal of exposure to the public, do not want tattoos to be visible on male or female staff members. For the male, that is sometimes a little easier since even in an office with a casual dress code, a male is required to wear a shirt, and by tradition, a man’s shirt tends to have more material and be less revealing that the average female blouse or top.

Feminine tattoos do not have to be small, of course. Many very feminine designs cover a big portion of a woman’s back or leg. The key is not in the size of the tattoo, but rather in the design that she chooses. A rose within a heart, for example, can cover the entire upper or lower back of a woman, yet it is still feminine for the most part. Some men do opt for some of the designs that are more of a feminine nature, but in most cases, that is because he is displaying something of his children or a favorite child. For instance, a teddy bear with a child’s name embedded into it may appear to be a feminine tattoo, but for the devoted father, it is but a symbol of his love. Some men may also have a heart with the name of his wife, sweetheart, child, or mother engraved in it. The feminine tattoos that a male occasionally displays detract from the usual snake, dragon, and alien that are the usual male faire.

Feminine tattoos are not always the choice for women who choose to have tattoos, however. In fact, some women choose to have their entire arms covered in tattoos that are quite masculine. Though many people do not see women who do that as very feminine, it is their freedom of expression to choose masculine rather than a feminine tattoo. For those who want more feminine designs, there is a large variety available on the internet, and if your personal tattooist doesn’t have one you like, find a picture for him.
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