Tattoo Designs and Tattoo Pictures
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Show off your new tattoo design
Tattoos: A Lot or a Little? It Is Up to You! What’s the best thing about having a tattoo? The freedom that you have to wear whatever tattoo designs you want and in as many quantities that suits you. Of course, deciding how many tattoos you want to sport is dependant upon a number of factors, including the following:
- Your Price Range
If you only have a little money to spend on a tattoo design, you may want to choose one large or a couple small tattoos. However, well-placed they can still make a significant impact upon any onlookers (if that’s your goal.)
- Your Personality
Are you the type of person who likes to make a scene? Do you revel in being the center of attention? If that describes you to a 'T', why not show off several tattoo designs? One design that will get people looking is the devil tattoo or if you want to scare people why not try a dragon tattoo. On the other hand, if you prefer to sit on the sidelines or you are an extremely private person, one or two tattoos placed in 'secret' locales could be a much better option.
- The Size of the Tattoo
Do you have specific tattoo designs (or a single tattoo design) in mind that will take up a large area of your body? If so, you will be limited to the number of tattoos that you can fit on that part of your back, upper leg, or chest. (Of course, you can always build onto your tattoo 'scene' in the years to come.)
- The Purpose of Your Tattoo
Are you getting a tattoo as a once-in-a-lifetime experience? Then you will probably just want to choose one particular tattoo design that best fits you. On the other hand, if your intention is to 'collect' tattoos, do not be surprised if you end up with a ton of them within the next decade!
One, a few, or dozens of tattoos... it is up to you to decide what you need to make your body art an extension of you. Having an entire arm full of tattoos is nothing new, as people have been doing it for years and for years to come they will continue doing it.
Here are a few great tattoo pictures that I would like to share with you today. They are full arm tattoos which is a large booming style for today. One of my friends has an entire arm full of tattoos, it basically tells a story from top to bottom.  Labels: arm, body art, design, devil, dragon, tattoo, tattoos
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